🌍 Earth Day 2024: Bird Awareness & Protection

All our hostels
15/04 - 15/05/2024

Every year on April 22, Earth Day is an opportunity to reflect on our environmental impact. In 2024, the Youth Hostels are actively committed to two major initiatives: raising awareness of biodiversity among our visitors, and protecting birds in partnership with the Royal Belgian League for the Protection of Birds 🌱🐦

🌿 Raising awareness of biodiversity

In our inns, we have planned fun and educational activities for young and old alike: ✅ "Insects" educational comics to discover the essential role of the little beasts.
"Nature Challenges" games to test your knowledge of the environment.
Giant fresco to color, depicting the garden's fauna through the seasons. 🎨

A great way to have fun learning and celebrate the beauty of nature. 🍃

🐦 Protecting birds: Let's build birdhouses!

From April 15 to May 15, we are organizing a fund-raising campaign to finance the construction and installation of nesting boxes. These shelters will provide a haven for birds to nest and raise their young, thus strengthening urban biodiversity.

💙 How do I get involved?

When you book: add 1€ to support the action.
On site: Contribute via the piggy banks at the reception of our hostels.
Via QR code: Make an online donation in one scan. 📲

🎉 Bonus: For every €1 donated, the Youth Hostels will double your donation by offering an additional €1 to the association. 🙌🐦


🌎 Working together for a greener future!

Whether you're a traveler, a committed citizen or a simple nature lover, every gesture counts. Join us in raising awareness and protecting biodiversity! 💚

📣 Make your voice heard this Earth Day!
📲 Share on the networks with the hashtags:
#LesAubergesDeJeunesse #JourneeDeLaTerre #EarthDay #ProtégeonsLesOiseaux

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